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Welcome to Lucky Dog Sim Racing League
PLEASE NOTE: You "MUST" have a site account (free) to use all features of the site.

We would like to welcome you to Lucky Dog Sim Racing League and hope you will join us for some good clean racing. We are in the process of moving OVSRL to Lucky Dog Sim Racing domain relaunch after 21 years as a league and having drivers still racing today. Stick around as we expand the league once again into a dynamic community of racers like no other. Starting back in 2000 racing online using the Sierra Papyrus Nascar Racing sims we went through every version that was released. Once Sierra announced that the sim would not be carried forward some drivers moved to the new iRacing and we are proud to say that OVSRL aided these drivers getting into the new sim as back in those days, you pretty much had to have a resume to get in. Two of those drivers are here today standing strong in the iRacing community at the top of their game. I would like to thank Thomas Holder and Paul Fletcher for their dedication and support of OVSRL after all these years!


Hello All!,

We are looking to consolidate all of our series into one league, versus the separate leagues as we currently have. This process will need all drivers either to answer an invite or to go to the league and request to join. Below are the details to help everyone in doing so to make it easier and faster so we can move to a singular league to send race related messages out as well as tie the league closer to our web site.

1) The easiest way is to request to join the league by searching for League # 9639. In the upper right hand corner of your iRacing page under leagues, select the "Find a League" selection. In the dialog box, the top entry line, enter the 9639 and press enter. This should return the league name on the right. Select the league and request to join.

2) The second way is to select your invite (for those drivers I have sent invites to). To find the new location of the invites, from the iRacing main page, select the notification "Bell" in the upper right corner of the UI. In the dialog box that opens there are three sections, "Announcements", "Notifications", and "League Invitations". In the obvious location at the bottom you will fine me invite to the league.

Once you are in the league proper I will set your car number and you will be set.

Thank you in advance for your assist!


Troubled Email


I have heard that some are not receiving emails from the league. All of our emails run through iRacing and their announcement system. For those of you that are not, please contact iRacing to see why or check to be sure your iRacing profile has the proper email address associated with it and your SPAM folder isn't detaining the emails.

I have been placing all race and league information on the website news section. All schedules are on the site as well as points, etc. There is no need to log in to see this information and I encourage you to check the site daily.



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